Consider This When Making Your Next Big Decision

Research suggests that we make 35,000 decisions a day! That’s a ton of decisions.  Some decisions we make consciously and some unconsciously but one thing I’ve come to learn over the years is that sometimes making a decision can be really freakin hard! So what makes decision making so hard? 

First, we put so much pressure on ourselves to get it right. We spend hours, weeks, months, sometimes even years seeking clarity to ensure that everything is going to work out before making the decision. We want certainty. We want safety. We make lists upon lists weighing the risk and rewards in hopes of getting it right. Sometimes all this works, sometimes it doesn’t but at the end of the day I know that it requires a lot of mental energy. 

For a moment, I want you to imagine what your life would be like if you were able to make a decision quickly instead of waffling. What would you do with all the extra time you would be gifting yourself? What if you accepted yourself so deeply that it didn’t matter what other people thought? You’d be having a very different experience, right?  

Consider this next time you’re making a big decision: 

  • Stop Looking for Clarity: clarity is something that comes after you’ve made a decision not before.  

  • Give Yourself A Million Dollars: ask yourself, if you were given one million dollars right now what decision would you make? We all have the answers deep inside of us, practice listening to that whisper. Spoiler alert: this requires you to live in your heart, not your head.  

  • Give Yourself Permission to Do Nothing: Many people fear making decisions because they think if they vocalize their decision they’ll have to act on it and that’s scary. Give yourself permission not to take any action. This allows you to get in touch with what you truly desire without any shoulds or strings attached. Getting in touch with your deepest desires makes decision making easier. 

  • Stop Making Sense of it All: Sometimes the best decisions don’t make any sense at all and what if you allowed that to be okay? Practice being in the discomfort of not having all the answers in every moment. There is freedom on the other side of this! 

  • Find Ways to Create Safety: Sometimes the decisions you have to make are really freakin hard. Create the safety inside of yourself that you are seeking externally. One of my favorite ways of doing this is being really loving to my inner child. 

You got this. I believe in you! 
Big love! xx 

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