A Ritual For Clearing Energy

We’re ¾ of the way through January and it seems like most people have created their goals for the New Year and are off to the races. If this is you, I acknowledge you and I commend you. It is such a wonderful way to support yourself as you move into a New Year and new decade! For those who have yet to create your goals for the year, that’s okay too and my hope is that this ritual will help to clear old energy so you can experience the excitement and momentum of the beginning of the year. 

I started working with my clients four to six weeks prior to January 1st to create visions, goals, strategy and accountability. As we came back from holiday, I kept hearing from friends, colleagues and clients that 2019 didn’t feel like it was complete for them and it was preventing them from experiencing the clarity and momentum around 2020 that they were craving. The sentiment was that there felt like there was some “unfinished business” blocking the energy of the New Year, so I’m sharing my ritual for clearing energy. 

Ritual for Clearing Energy: 

Step 1: Create a calming space. Put on some calming music. Light a candle or your favorite incense. 

Step 2: Set a clear intention. Set an intention to clear anything that is no longer serving you.

Step 3: Call in the light. I say a prayer to call in the light every morning, before any of my client sessions and whenever I’m feeling like I need an extra boost of grace or positivity. The ritual of calling in the light dispels any negativity or heaviness. 

A prayer you can use is, “God/Universe/High Power I call myself forward into your light and loving asking that a blessing of light, love and grace be placed upon me as I let go and bring to completion any thoughts, habits, or beliefs that are no longer serving me as I enter into this new year” 

Step 4: Take Inventory. Scan the last year for any thoughts, habits or beliefs that you’d like to let go of, clear or bring to completion and write them down on a piece of paper. You can go month by month or you can scan for any major themes you noticed throughout the year. 

Step 5: Bring to Completion. Declare everything you wrote down as complete and either safely burn the paper or tear it up and throw it away. As you are burning the paper or ripping it up, set the intention to complete and release the things that are no longer serving you. 

Only 5% of our cognitive activity is conscious, the other 95% is unconscious, which means that you have the power to decide when something is complete. Your mind can’t tell the difference between reality and a well imagined dream, allow yourself to energetically bring to completion the things that are no longer serving you. From that place you can create space for new thoughts, habits or beliefs to come in and create a vision for 2020 that will have you popping out of bed and ready to conquer your goals with excitement and energy.

You’ve got this, sister! I believe in you! 

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