The Most Vulnerable Thing I've Ever Shared

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I’m sharing a poem with you. It’s a story of transforming fear into love. It’s my path of falling in love with me. Whether you are in a romantic relationship or would like to be in one, the single most important thing I’ve learned about love is that it starts with you. You are the single most important relationship you will ever have. In fact, it wasn’t until I really got this that my romantic relationships started to work. To be totally honest, I didn’t get this until I met my now-husband. We married a year and a half ago and he is an extraordinary man. I love him to the ends of the Earth, but it’s the relationship I have with myself that I still focus on the most. What I’ve noticed is that when I fall deeper in love with myself, I get in touch with the part of myself that allows someone else to fall deeper in love with me.

One of the practices I’ve fostered in falling in love with me, is sharing my voice. When I speak up or share things that are meaningful and vulnerable, it requires me first to love all the parts of me. It requires me to stand in my truth and be unwavering in who I am...and boy is that really freaking hard sometimes. At times I’m sweating or shaking or my voice is quivering but without fail every single time I feel a greater connection to myself. When I practice this with my Husband, I feel a deeper connection with him as well. I invite you to try sharing your voice and notice the impact it creates in your relationships - especially the one with yourself. 

I felt since today is all about love, the way that I could really express my love is to share a poem I wrote to myself while I was getting my Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica. My hope in sharing this with you, is that you find a place within yourself that you fall even deeper in love with you. 


Alarm sounds..I snooze

I snooze my voice

I snooze my power

Emotions taste good

Mmm… Chocolate

I turn water into wine

I drink the wine

It burns, I drink, fire in my belly, I drink

It itches, it flakes

I stare in the mirror

If only I didn’t eat the chocolate or drink that wine



I harden

A cocoon forms

I am safe

Wait, Am I safe in this cocoon?

Illusion of control, reality of chaos

I am safe, but am I?

Skin cracks, skin flakes, cocoon breaks

A beautiful butterfly starts to emerge

Warmth, Power, Love, Flight

Perfection in the imperfection

I reach for the bottle

It’s different this time

I drink the Divine

I am the Divine

I am Divine

I am cleansed

I am beautiful

I am transformed and I transform

I am alive

I am a beautiful butterfly

I fly

I fly with wild abandon into my own dreams

Into my own arms

Into my own love

And you meet me there

Big Love! Xx

Karlie Everhart6 Comments