{Introducing}: The SQUAD - An Experience You Won't Want to Miss

This year has been a tough year for a lot of people. The highs haven’t seemed quite as high and the lows have seemed lower than they’ve ever been. With everything going on, I’ve noticed people are feeling behind (whether it’s in career, family, buying a home, etc.). They’re feeling a sense of loss, feeling disconnected, have zoom fatigue and a general sense of loss. 

More than ever, people are diving into their proverbial tool belt to feel a sense of connection, inner peace and to try to stay grounded among the chaos. 

Can you relate to any of that? I know I sure can.

Enter: The SQUAD

The SQUAD is an 8-week intimate group coaching program that starts November 2nd and runs November to January. The Squad is a place where you will experience women advocating for you in all areas of your life. The program is designed to allow you to experience a deeper level of confidence, feeling heard without being judged, freedom around your money story, learning to create boundaries in service to creating a deeper level of intimacy with those in your life and ultimately having a community of women that are on your side. A group of women that are rooting for you and supporting you as we bring 2020 to completion and begin to create a vision and momentum for 2021. 

The SQUAD is about living in possibility. Owning your power and receiving tools and guidance that will allow you to do just that. 

There will be a designated theme each week. The themes include (in no specific order): 

  1. Body Love - Having compassion for your body 

  2. Family/Community - Creating connection around the holidays

  3. Money - Creating Freedom around your money story

  4. Inner Child - Release the blocks that have you feeling stuck 

  5. Purpose - Stop questioning and start living on purpose

  6. Vision for 2021

  7. Career - Gain clarity around what lights you up

  8. Boundaries as a gateway to intimacy

This is the only time this program will be offered until November 2021. This is an intimate group and spots will fill quickly. 

If you are interested in hearing more information, I have created time in my calendar to have 60 minute conversations to see how this program may support you in feeling more connected in your already amazing life! E-mail karlie@karlieeverhart.com to set-up a call.

Big love,


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