The Biggest Lie I've Ever Told Myself

I was sitting in a guided meditation the other day and the woman asked, “what was the biggest lie you’ve ever told yourself?” The answer to the question was surprising to me because it would have been much different years ago. 

Years ago I was self-conscious, was riddled with self-doubt, was getting an A+ in people-pleasing and setting boundaries – what are those? 

Today, I sat in meditation and could easily answer that the biggest lie I ever told myself was that I’m not enough. What a BS story that I subscribed to for a long time. What does it mean to be enough anyways? 

Buying into the belief that we’re not enough is the ego’s tricky way of trying to keep us safe. The ego says things like “Oh, don’t don’t do that”, “Don’t put yourself out there in that way” “Don’t say that because you might upset someone”, “In fact, what would be best is if you just stayed quiet and in your box because nobody will judge you and you won’t get hurt”. The ego has good intentions. We need our ego to survive in the world AND sometimes we need to find a different way of working with ourselves in order to get the results that we want to create.

Sometimes it’s hard to decipher the voice between our ego and our authentic self. It’s also hard to shift our beliefs of not being enough when we’ve lived for years subscribing to that way of thinking, so here are some tips and a few truths to help you see yourself in a different light: 

  1. Be Compassionate to the little one inside that might still be subscribing to the belief that they’re not enough. 

  2. Remove enough from your vocabulary it will allow you to connect more powerfully to the truth of who you are instead of staying in a space of compare and despair

  3. Slow down and breath when you feel the feelings of not enough-ness starting to bubble up

  4. Try these beliefs on instead:

    • I am enough 

    • I am love 

    • I am safe 

Big Love. xx

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